Student Success

Interest Assessment

Answer 30 quick questions about what you like and don’t like to explore careers that match your interests.



Skills Matcher

Rate your levels on 40 key workplace skills and learn about careers that match your ratings.



Interest Profiler

Learn your interests, how they relate to the world of work, and what kinds of careers you may want to explore.



Occupational Profile

Learn details about any occupation such as job duties, wages, projected growth, and training needed.



Salary Calculator

Search and compare salaries for different jobs in different locations from Indeed salary data.



Work Values Matcher

Use a quick card sort activity to identify your top work values which are what’s most important to you in work.




Browse groups of similar occupations to explore careers. Choose from industry, field of work, science area, and more; Focus on occupations that use a specific tool or software. Explore occupations that need your skills; and Connect to a wealth of O*NET data. Enter a code or title from another classification to find the related O*NET-SOC occupation."




Once on the Hireguam website, scroll down to find "YOUTH SERVICES," then select and browse information under Youth Programs, Career Exploration or Education and Training.    So, whether you do or do not have a specific career in mind, visit this link to EXPLORE hundreds of careers, figure out which need more training or education;  GET TIPS on pathways that lead to careers or occupations;  LEARN MORE about wages, employers and jobs available and the education, training, job requirements and nature of the work involved;  Analyze LABOR MARKET TRENDS on where you want to work, including wages, employment projections and educational requirements." 




An excellent career planning and research site developed by the U.S. Department of Labor



When It Comes to the Rest of Your Life, Don't Leave It Up to Chance.

If you're wondering which careers or majors appeal to you, then consider using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This test uses scientifically-based insights to categorize personalities into 16 possible types and identify common behaviors. The end result means that you'll understand yourself a little better so you can make a career choice that best fits your personality. Take a free version of the test by clicking the Icon above